TAG : border

Olmo Calvo – Migrant stories

Olmo Calvo is a Spanish photographer who has received multiple awards for his work: the Louis Valtueña International Award of Humanitarian Photography 2012, the Mingote ABC International Press Award 2013 and the the Louis Valtueña International Award of Humanitarian Photography 2015. He publishes his work in progress on his website. Two migrant stories have particularly… Lire la suite »

Elisabeth Vallet – Le monde se referme

65 murs ou barrières sont construits ou plannifiés près des frontières. Elisabeth Vallet, Directrice Scientifique de la Chaire Raoul Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques de l’Université du Quebec les a recensés, cartographiés et en a fait un livre. Voir le site de France Culture More border walls and border fences are being built every… Lire la suite »


Definition: A person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions. Source: oxforddictionaries.com Where do migrants go? Most photographs of migrants for the UK show crowds of people massed on boats (in the Mediterranean or Aegan sea), traveling by foot or trying to get on trains (in… Lire la suite »